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Lekker Local Treats 3 Ways


Makes 15


½ cup (120g) butter, melted

2 cups SASKO Sweet Dough Bake Mix

2 tsp baking powder

4 large eggs

½ cup cream

½ tin (180g) caramel

½ cup melted chocolate

1 slab (49g) peppermint chocolate, roughly chopped

Serving suggestion:

Fresh mint leaves

Icing sugar, for dusting


1. Preheat the oven to 220°C and line a large baking tray with baking paper.

2. In a bowl, whisk the butter into ¼ cup of boiling water.

3. Sieve the SASKO Sweet Dough Bake Mix and baking powder into a large mixing bowl. Pour the butter and water mixture into the bake mix, and beat together until combined. Using a hand mixer, beat the eggs in one at a time until a smooth and thick yet pipeable dough forms. Spoon the dough into a piping bag, with no nozzle.

4. On the prepared tray, pipe 10cm long strips, 3cm apart, to form the ‘eclairs’. Bake for 8 minutes, then without opening the oven, reduce the heat down to 160˚C and bake for a further 10 minutes or until the ‘eclairs’ are golden brown. Remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool. *Chef’s Tip: To help with piping straight ‘eclairs’, draw 10cm lines on the baking paper, turn the paper over on the tray and use the lines as a guide to measure the piped dough.

5. In a chilled, clean bowl, whip the cream until medium peaks form. In a separate bowl, beat the caramel until smooth and softened. Fold the cream into the caramel until well combined. Spoon the caramel cream into a piping bag with a star nozzle and refrigerate until needed.

To assemble:

1. To assemble, halve the cooled pastry by slicing lengthwise. Dip the pastry tops in the melted chocolate, set on a cooling rack and sprinkle the peppermint chocolate over the top.

2. Pipe the caramel flavoured cream onto the pastry bottom halves of the ‘eclairs’. Top each piped halve with the chocolate-dipped pastry, and place the ‘eclairs’ on a serving platter.

3. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and a light dusting of icing sugar. Serve and ENJOY as the perfect tea-time treat!


Makes 10


2 cups castor sugar

2 oranges, juiced and zest set aside for the garnish

4 cups SASKO Sweet Dough Bake Mix

2 tsp baking powder

2 tsp mixed spice

½ cup (120g) butter, melted

⅓ cup milk

4 large eggs

Oil, for frying


1. In a medium-sized pot over a medium heat, combine the sugar, orange juice and 2 cups of water. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then bring to a boil. Turn the heat down to a low heat and allow to simmer for 15 minutes before removing from the heat. Pour the syrup into a bowl and place in the fridge for 4-6 hours or until ice cold. *Chef’s Tip: Prepare ahead to save time!

2. Sieve the SASKO Sweet Dough Bake Mix, baking powder and mixed spice into a large mixing bowl. Pour the butter and milk into the dry ingredients and stir to combine.

3. Add the eggs, one at a time, and mix until the dough just comes together. *Chef’s Tip: The dough should come together easily without being sticky.

4. Add the dough to an oiled bowl, cover the dough with a clean, damp cloth and allow to rest for at least 15 minutes.

5. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Gently roll out the dough to a 2cm thickness. Using a 9cm round cookie cutter, press out circles and lay them on the floured surface. Use the larger end of a large piping tip to cut out the doughnut holes, creating a ring. Cover the doughnut rings with a damp cloth. *Chef’s Tip: You can also use a bottle cap to cut out the doughnut holes!

6. While the dough rests, fill a medium pot with cooking oil about 3cm deep and heat over a medium-high heat. *Chef’s Tip: To test if the oil is hot enough, dip the bottom of a wooden spoon in the oil. If the oil starts to bubble around it, the oil is ready.

7. Deep-fry the koeksister ring doughnuts a few at a time for 3-4 minutes, turning often until golden and cooked through. Remove the koeksister doughnuts with a slotted spoon and immediately submerge in the prepared ice cold sugar syrup.

8. Place the koeksister ring doughnuts on a serving platter and garnish with the fresh orange zest, serve and ENJOY!


Makes 12


For the dough:

2 cups SASKO Sweet Dough Bake Mix

⅔ cup (150g) butter, cold

1 large egg

For the custard:

½ tin (190g) condensed milk

1 small egg

2 tbsp corn flour

1 tsp ground cinnamon

4 tbsp castor sugar


For the dough:

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and grease a medium-sized 12-hole muffin tin.

2. Sieve the SASKO Sweet Dough Bake Mix into a large mixing bowl. Grate the cold butter into the flour and use your fingertips to rub the flour and butter together until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs. *Chef’s Tip: Spray the grater with grease spray before using to ensure the butter does not stick to it.

3. Add the egg and beat until the dough just comes together. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and form into a ball. *Chef’s Tip: It should come together easily without being sticky.

4. Wrap the pastry in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

5. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough until ½cm thickness. Using a 9cm round cookie cutter, press out circles and lay each into a muffin hole. Press down firmly and up the sides. Poke holes in the pastry using a fork and blind bake, using baking paper and rice, for about 15 minutes until the base is lightly golden. Remove the paper and rice and bake for a further 10 minutes until golden and cooked. Allow to cool.

For the custard:

1. Place the condensed milk, egg and corn flour into a large heatproof bowl. Use the condensed milk tin to measure 1 tin of water and add this to the bowl. Whisk to combine.

2. Microwave the custard on high for 4 minutes. Remove the bowl from the microwave and whisk vigorously to combine and prevent lumps from forming. Microwave for another 4 minutes and remove the bowl to whisk. Microwave for a final 2 minutes and remove to whisk. *Chef’s Tip: To test if the custard is cooked, add a tablespoon of the mixture onto a plate, pull through with the tip of the spoon. If the custard does not fall back to the centre, it is cooked.

3. Add the ground cinnamon and stir through the custard. Pour the custard into the pastry cups in the muffin tin and allow to set in the fridge overnight.

4. Remove the set tartlets from the fridge about 15 minutes before serving time. When ready to serve, sprinkle the sugar over the centre of each tartlet. Carefully heat a metal spoon over an open flame and press the back of the spoon over the sugar coating. The sugar will melt and turn a golden colour. Alternatively, a blowtorch can be used if available. Serve and ENJOY immediately!

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